Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Weekend Recap Wednesday

     Once again I went on a blogging binge and then got busy. Go figure. The reason for this busyness was well warranted- a weekend away with Miss Pippa and then playing catch-up once I got home. So here I am, playing catch-up on this little blog as well, my dears. This past weekend, Taylor headed out of town for a rugby game and I headed to my relative's for a mini-vacation. I drove over Friday, we trekked to the Hoggetowne Medieval Faire on Saturday and spent Sunday together on the 10-Acre Woods (what I like to call their property). Another post should be flying in shortly about just the Faire, so stay tuned!
Giving kisses before we get on the road! She had a Vet appointment before we could take off, so Taylor was kind and took these pictures for me.
Wearing Leopard in honor of my great-grandmother, Memire's birthday.
Pssst! Pippa is driving! Don't tell the puppy police that she hasn't gotten her license, though.
Playing with her second-cousin and her brother, Bandit. Yes, Bella was pushing her in the stroller.
Good morning! Trying to drink her mommy's coffee on Sunday.
Learning to slide. Wheeeee!
Learning to swing. Not very enthused about this one...
Princess riding her trike around. Pip was kind of scared of this.
Bella decided it was a much better idea to push Pippa in the wagon. Also, as I was taking this picture I forgot the word for that red thing with wheels that you pull. Leave it to the three year old to remind me of "wagon".
Making Valentine's with my Grandma KDK and the kiddos to send to the soldiers in my step-dad's office. All of the cards say "To: Our Heroes".
     More to come as soon as I can re-save all of the Faire pictures to their correct locations. XO.

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