Once again I went on a blogging binge and then got busy. Go figure. The reason for this busyness was well warranted- a weekend away with Miss Pippa and then playing catch-up once I got home. So here I am, playing catch-up on this little blog as well, my dears. This past weekend, Taylor headed out of town for a rugby game and I headed to my relative's for a mini-vacation. I drove over Friday, we trekked to the Hoggetowne Medieval Faire on Saturday and spent Sunday together on the 10-Acre Woods (what I like to call their property). Another post should be flying in shortly about
just the Faire, so stay tuned!
Giving kisses before we get on the road! She had a Vet appointment before we could take off, so Taylor was kind and took these pictures for me. |
Wearing Leopard in honor of my great-grandmother, Memire's birthday. |
Pssst! Pippa is driving! Don't tell the puppy police that she hasn't gotten her license, though. |
Playing with her second-cousin and her brother, Bandit. Yes, Bella was pushing her in the stroller. |
Good morning! Trying to drink her mommy's coffee on Sunday. |
Learning to slide. Wheeeee! |
Learning to swing. Not very enthused about this one... |
Princess riding her trike around. Pip was kind of scared of this. |
Bella decided it was a much better idea to push Pippa in the wagon. Also, as I was taking this picture I forgot the word for that red thing with wheels that you pull. Leave it to the three year old to remind me of "wagon". |
Making Valentine's with my Grandma KDK and the kiddos to send to the soldiers in my step-dad's office. All of the cards say "To: Our Heroes". |
More to come as soon as I can re-save all of the Faire pictures to their correct locations. XO.
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