Monday, January 25, 2010

I feel like such a horrible blog Mommy!

  I've been neglecting you so much lately my darling blog. I've been meaning to update, but five classes and work on Saturday AND Sunday nights have me so busy. Plus this week was extra jammed: four hours working on my 2D project outside of class, hockey game on Saturday night, work work work, movies with the girls on Sunday, and then today alone I did three deliveries, two classes, and met up at Starbucks with Mamma.

  But enough of the jibber jabber! I am pledging right this moment that I, Skye, swear that I will blog at least once a week until Valentine's week. Pinky promise! 

  So here are some quick ideas that I may or may not (depending on if I'm still inspired by the time I get around to it start writing) post on here:
Recap of my first week of school/ "How I Like My Classes" 
New Things I've Learned Lately
Wah Wah Wednesdays a.k.a. My Pet Peeves and Annoyances of the moment
Fifty Books I Need to Read
My 110 in Twenty-Ten List! (I'll admit.. I'm only on Number 50 in the writing process. Eek!)
Alrighty, so that gets me going at least until Valentine's week and probably after. Off to watch Mr. Castle do his stuff on my television! XOXO.

EDIT: Apparently my brain has gone to mush due to my first weeks of school, because I already recapped them for you. Oops! Tomorrow I plan to hopefully drag my laptop along to my classes; I want to see how well I do taking notes with it and also have it to blog in B&N. So until then, Au Revoir et je vous aime!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

When You Wish Upon a Star,

Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you. <3

  Spring Semester began early Monday morning, so please excuse my lateness with updating. The final portion of my Winter trip was lovely; I spent the last few nights with Hunter and then headed up in my new car (!) to visit my grandmother. Mamma and I took a naughty side trip to LUSH in Orlando and coffee at the rest stop. We stayed in North Florida for two nights and then headed back home to our Peach State, only to find Brrrrr-y temperatures. My car has frosted over three out of four school evenings now, and I'm actually considering buying an ice scraper.
  And speaking of school, I'm quite excited about all of the classes I am in. Monday/Wednesday is English in the morning and then Philosophy in the late afternoon. English shouldn't be too hard, but my teacher seems to prefer Southern American literature, which I'm not too big a fan of (Tennessee Williams is my exception). Oh! and my Philosophy teacher? He totally falls into the Philosopher category. I'm talking shaggy long grey hair, scruffy beard, a geometric patterned old man sweater and a blazer! I literally giggled to myself when he walked in the room and was so giddy I had to text Hunter and tell him right away.
  Tuesday/Thursday are going to be my long, hectic days. 2D Design in the morning, French for dejeuner, and History to 1500 for late afternoon. 2D Design was terrifying yet extremely exciting. Our first project is about Abstraction through Simplification and (if I'm allowed) I'm going to use our university lampposts as my inspiration. French was.. intimidating. I'm in the second semester of it and they're beginning with Chapter Four, so I'm hoping I get my French book soon so I can try to review. (192$ is a lot of money right now!) I thoroughly enjoyed my History class and the teacher too. I'm SO tempted to call her Professor Moody (as in Mad-Eye Moody from Harry Potter)!

   And lastttt but not least today, I'm going to share a link to a super cute blog that I stumbled upon while eating my lunch. Search through the pages and find her entries about "Of the Universe"; I adore some of the things that she says and absolutely relate to being a "walking contradiction"! I'm pretty sure I've used that exact phrasing before, too. Without further ado, I bring you Lemon Soda: