This is going to be pretty picture heavy, just a fair warning!
It's been over a month now since I went to Disney for Spring Break, and I'm dreaming about it more and more. Taylor and I bought Seasonal passes, so we're getting to go at least a couple times next month before our Blackout dates start in June. First with our good friends, and then with my Aunt and Uncle at the end of the month for
Star Wars Weekends! We're super excited, but I figured I should probably give you all a better peek at the last trip before I go on the next trip!
My Aunt Mer and Uncle Dan and I arrived on Sunday and checked into the Animal Kingdom Lodge, which if you've never been is absolutely wonderful -the animals are so cute! Taylor was going to drive down that night after his rugby game in Alabama and my brother was supposed to head over that afternoon. Or so I had been told.
Birthday pin! Celebrating 21. |
I was taken to the bar to get an Ecotini (best drink ever, btw) by my Uncle, which I found out later was just a ploy to keep me away from the front desk where my Aunt was getting our room keys. We got to the room, I unpacked and my brother, Cory, showed up. Him and Dan went back down to the lobby, or so I thought once again, and I started blabbing away to Mer about what outfits I was going to wear on what park days. And then, to my utter and complete shock and surprise:
My Mamma showed up!! I was seriously in shock, my family is a group of pretty terrible secret keepers, and somehow all of them kept from me that my mom had flown down from New York three days earlier and was surprising me for my birthday. It was absolutely perfect. Taylor arrived in late that night, and we had SO much fun all week. Hollywood Studios, Epcot, and Magic Kingdom were on our agenda. I'll stop gabbing away here and just show you pictures now...
I love this moment that Mer caught. He was in the middle of telling me how tired he was. |
Wearing red, white, and blue for our Epcot day. |
Taylor's favorite part of Disney- the Norway Pavilion. |
A Skye-sized rugby ball! |
I LOVE this picture, haha! |
With our Seasonal passes! Too excited. |
I have tons more pictures, but they're mostly of shows and random street signs/buildings and food. Yeah, a lot of food, the food is probably one of my favorite parts. Hopefully you enjoyed these, because I definitely enjoyed being present in them and I'm extremely excited to be back. Disney is just such a magical place, don't you think? XO.