Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Blah blah blahdy, uh what?

I'm sick. Not dreadfully ill or anything, but my throat has been killing me, I've been ridiculously tired and (like most times when I get sick) my brain has ceased to function.

Example One: Amorous Squid Seeks Partner: Any Sex Will Do
     Taylor's car was broken this morning, so we had to carpool to class. Today that meant that I got to sit in on a couple of his classes and on the way to one, I picked up this newspaper. After class, he picked it up and read me the title of that article. I, being absolutely brainless by this point, SER. IOUS. LY. looked at the big picture of the dancer next to it and thought he was searching for a dance partner and that his name was Amorous Squid! How in the world I made that connection, I cannot say.

Example TwoNot Really My Silly Statement, But Too Good to Pass Up
     Rihanna's "Cheers (Drink to That)" came on the radio as we were driving to get the boyfriend's car. Sarcastic Me: "Maybe I'll just go home and drink myself into a stupor and that will make me feel better. I'll drink to that- yeah-e-yeahhh." To which Taylor responds: "Well alcohol kills germs so it'd probably make you feel better." It made me giggle but I'd love to actually research it and see if it holds any truth!

Where in The World is Carmen SanDiego?
Example Three: Carmen Electra/SanDiego
     Well we're watching Attack of the Show on G4, and they show a preview of their interview with Carmen Electra where she is lifting her shirt up. Taylor had missed it so I go "Oh gosh, Carmen SanDiego is taking... Crap." and burst into a giggle fit lasting at least five minutes. It takes all of my willpower to stop laughing and explain to him, as he's going "What about Carmen SanDiego? Huh??", that I did not mean SanDiego and I definitely meant Carmen Electra. Why do I love him? He just goes "You do know Carmen SanDeigo wears a trench coat right?" Right.

Now I'm sitting in bed trying to control my out of hand social media- Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, etc. etc. etc. I know, such a hard life! I'm also drinking some delicious Refresh Tazo Tea and eating toast. Feeling better is kind of my top priority right now, my brain really needs that help. XO.

Monday, September 19, 2011

"Are you gonna put this on your blog?"

Yes honey, yes I am. You are cute and sweet and I love you for traveling with me to see my sorority family and my family-family! So you deserve to be featured here, too.

We had a cute adventure out of town today. First we drove a long long way and talked about gun control, vampires, and time travel. Our thoughts on these were hilarious and they kept us busy drinking our coffee the entire way to meet my sorority family. We met Big and GGBig for lunch at Applebee's and had such a lovely time! There are some super cute pictures but (alas!) they're on Big's camera. It was so nice to see them and catch up! Then we headed out to the Ten Acre Woods for a little extra food, cake, and good conversation with KDK and the gang. Again- lovely! Once we were good and full, we headed back home with a drive consisting of talk about what we would decorate future kid's rooms as and Taylor giving me the Best Idea Ever of making a bed look like an Ariel clam shell and having it sing every time you open and close it. I about wrecked the car from excitement because, well... I wanted that bed for myself. Ha!

I had such a nice day visiting with everyone and it was really wonderful to get out of town for a bit. It's amazing how rejuvenating it can be to leave your town for a few. You come back and you're so happy to crawl into your own comfy bed. Speaking of which, that bed is kind of calling my name right now. XO.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Shopaholics Anonymous

I've finally gotten my refund money from the University and have been so terribly good at not spending it on frivolous things. So good in fact, that I was feeling weird for not spending any money- the boyfriend and I went to the mall and I did not buy a single thing. Not a thing. We were there for three hours! The money is supposed to last me for awhile, but before I had gotten it I told myself I'd take a little out and spend a tiny bit on myself, that way I wouldn't go spending crazy the first time I went out into civilization. Finally, after a couple weeks of complaining that I hadn't bought anything, I took my 50$ budget and decided to head to Target on a night when the boyfriend was at rugby practice. Here is the story of that lovely shopping trip:
Sometimes I pose on top of ottomans in our extra room with the windows. At night. When the lighting sucks. With my phone which doesn't take super great pictures. Kind of a fail.
7:30 PM: Drive to Target, hoping they're open until at least 9 PM. Find a decent parking spot. Walk into the store and look at the dollar section. Don't even pick up one item. Sad face.
8:00 PM: Wander through the clothing, finding a couple things I like but nothing worth buying. Try on a super cute pair of boots, decide they're not really what I'm looking for.
8:15 PM: Find the Halloween section. Rejoice! Decide I don't actually want to decorate until October. See candy corn. Walk ALL the way to the other side of the store to find a smaller bag, find out they don't have any smaller bags, procede to walk ALL the way back to get the massive "Value" sized bag. Smell it a lot, because candy corn smell is amazing.
Bow headband and Candy Corn!
8:30 PM: About to leave with just my candy corn and decide to walk to the toys. Think about how I can't play Words With Friends because I don't have a fancy iPhone. Lightbulb Moment when I realize I could just buy Scrabble and force the boyfriend to play with me. Pick up Scrabble off the shelf and almost jump up and down. Conjure up a plan to make it a surprise from Cupid, complete with a cute note!
"Love, Cupid" Taylor thought it was interesting that Cupid and I have really similar handwriting. I said I thought we must have gone to Elementary school together. 
I won 283-263! Super proud of some of those words.
8:45 PM: Walk back to the front of the store, detouring through the accessories section, trying to buy at least one thing that will be really useful and slightly frivolous. Find a headband with a giant bow and plaid. Decide that I need an outfit to go with it. Wander the clothes again.
Headband! Wearing it kind of sideways so that the bow is on top.
9:15 PM: Finally decide on a black skirt and a blue shirt (over a plain black dress, jeans, stripey shirt, etc.) and get excited over wearing it to class on Friday. (Friday's are my favorite class days and always end up being date lunches for me and Taylor Frank, so I like to dress up.) Head back to the dollar section, find some cute hair ties. Pay and head home, where I proceed to try everything on and take some of these cute pictures.
10:30 PM the next night: Make my cutie patootie boyfriend take pictures of my outfit. He told me that if I put them up on my blog I had to site him or else it would be plagiarism HA!. So here you go sweet pea: Pictures of my outfit were taken by Taylor.
P.S. My bum looks amazing in this skirt. Trust me, I checked myself out a TON.
Hope you enjoyed my picture heavy, somewhat silly post tonight. Boyfriend is out with the rugby boys  (Deadbirds won again!) so I'm here writing, homeworking, and watching crappy TV. We're headed out of town tomorrow to meet two parts of my sorority family for lunch (EEK so excited!), so I'm staying in drinking orange juice so I'm ready to drive. Back to being lazy now- XO, Skye.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Let the Wild Rumpus Begin!

Where the Wild Things Are- Maurice Sendak
I'm on a sort of Maurice Sendak love-kick at the moment. The boyfriend is out for the night (official rugby business aka it's his 21st birthday) and I've got lots of time alone in my big bed to read picture books and google all kinds of amazing-ness. In my Illustrated Book class, which I'm loving, we talked about a few Maurice Sendak books today; "Dear Mili", "In the Dumps With Jack and Guy", and partially "Where The Wild Things Are". And it took me till the end of the day to realize how much I abso-positive-lutely adore Sendak and his works. "Dear Mili" is so touching and heart-wrenching. "In The Dumps" makes you really think, something you don't expect from a children's book. "Where the Wild Things Are" is just well, amazing. And on top of this list I have to add a little gem I found years ago at a Goodwill- "Pierre- A Cautionary Tale". 
Pierre- Maurice Sendak
This book is so adorable, you wouldn't even believe anything could be this precious. It's teeny tiny and very sweet, and it has a special place on my bookshelf.
Dear Mili- Maurice Sendak (It's out of print but please please find it and read it, it's wonderful and the pictures are gorgeous.)
I guess what this post is really about is my absolute adoration for anything Sendak does. His spunk and disregard of the rules make me love him even more. I'll leave you with this quote to brighten your day:
"Once a little boy sent me a charming card with a little drawing on it. I loved it. I answer all my children's letters - sometimes very hastily - but this one I lingered over. I sent him a card and I drew a picture of a Wild Thing on it. I wrote, "Dear Jim: I loved your card." Then I got a letter back from his mother and she said, "Jim loved your card so much he ate it." That to me was one of the highest compliments I've ever received. He didn't care that it was an original Maurice Sendak drawing or anything. He saw it, he loved it, he ate it." - Maurice Sendak
And that my dears, is why Maurice Sendak renews my faith in children and our humanity. XO.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thank Gosh it's Thursday!

Plus a little Gala Darling TiLT thrown in, just because.

I'm the very worst most terrible no good blogger ever! It seems like I only ever want to blog when, well, I have some reason that I need to blog. I guess that's what this is for, I always just thought I'd turn OhmySkye into something that I would want to share with everyone every single day of my entire life. Guess I'm just getting distracted by life..

Life has been super overwhelming the past few weeks, so it's nice to finally get time to write again. I just changed the last thing on my 21 Before 21 list to something that I think is more reachable and something I want even more. But! I'm only 6ish months away from the big 21 and I don't have a single thing crossed off my list! So for the next couple weeks I'm going to take them one at a time and break them down and figure out how to accomplish them. Ready, set. Go!

And now for a little TiLT so I stop with the "weepy Wanda's" and the "feeling bad for myself Francene's":
  • My snuggly bed, for always being there when I need it.
  • Likewise, my snuggly Taylor, for always being there when I need him, even if I say I don't.
  • Finding (and eating) the best pizza ever at Vino's.
  • Finding (and devouring) some really delish Thai food and a cute consignment shop right next door.
  • Getting to read little kid books for a class. Please go find and read Flotsam if you haven't before!
  • The fact that it's almost the weekend again! Thank gosh.
That's all for now folks, now to change my email info on here and a couple other sites to my new email. XO.