Friday, July 9, 2010

Sweet Nothings: Summer Lovin' Edition!

Sheesh, I think I may melt down here with this 106 degree heat! Wasn't it only a few months ago that I was freezing my patootie off and wishing for hot chocolate and fuzzy boots? Now I'm hoping that Boulder will require my new (chocolate brown-finally-found-it!) cardigan and counting down the days until my car ices over. I swear, Georgia only has two weeks of happy medium weather.

But! That is all beside the point. The point is that I have ten gorgeous photos to share with you from the last couple months of bug bites, sun burns, and hot hot hot!

Welcome to Sunny Florida!
I drove down for one weekend to surprise the boyfriend and pick up my little brother 
the weekend of June 18th.
Just so happened that Hunter's band, Alpacalope, (hehe) was going to jam on Saturday
at his "Birthday Gig". They were awesome, and I was a proud girlfriend. 
(Though I wish I had gotten better photos.)
However, all trips must come to an end. Corykins and I drove back to my Peach State
fueled by energy drinks and too many snacks.
I was so happy to come home and see my Baby Belle though! She's getting so big!
CoryBear learned that the best way to walk Remi and Lottie is in the form of a doggie sled team.
We day-tripped to the National Infantry Museum right off post the other day. It was quite amazing.
I'll try to put up more of these pictures later.
We saw fireworks on the 3rd of July and colored the road/sidewalk with chalk.
Photography by my very patient brother. You wouldn't believe how many photos we had to take to get this.
"Happy 4th of July!" and "We love our soldier!"
And last but certainly not least, Miss Charlotte Belle has learned to chase bubbles!

All of the photos that look fancy were done using Picnik. If you haven't tried it, I highly suggest going there rightthissecond! It's free for all of the basic things, but if you want any of the super special editing stuff you have to pay a nominal subscription fee. Honestly though, all of this was done with the basic package and I haven't paid a cent. 

I'm off to Florida on Sunday and then off to Colorado next Wednesday, so I am going to be a busy little bee until then. Pinky promise, I'll take lots of pictures and upload them as soon as I can. Now off to pack and clean and hope that all of my clothes fit in my suitcase! XOXO.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Shh.. Let's pretend it's Tuesday!

Drats! I was doing so well and then this week just snuck up on me! Here's my Curious Tuesday disguised as a Curious Wednesday:

1. What was your first kiss experience?
I was a late bloomer and didn't get mine until 8th grade. It was just an eh-I-sorta-like-you-and-you-just-asked-me-out kiss, nothing really special. I liked this boy and he asked me out after a dance, so he kissed me goodbye in the parking lot. (We broke up three days later. Oh the joys of Middle School, right?) I remember thinking, "Really? That's it?" I did the same thing after my first "make-out session". It wasn't until later that I began to really enjoy kissing. Luckily, the boys have all gotten better as I've moved on.
2. If you could work for — & learn from — anyone, who would it be & why?
Betsey Johnson. Well, if I pretend I'm fashionable and that creative. I'd like to learn from the Dalai Lama, though I don't think he gives one-on-one lessons. Honestly, I'd like to just work for myself.
3. Have you ever taken a Myers-Briggs test? (If not, do it here, it’s quick & easy!) What was your result? Do you think it was accurate? (Also, TypeLogic is a great resource for finding out more information about your type.)
I'm an INFP (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving). I've taken this a few different times and in different settings and I always come up with the same answer. For the most part, I agree with it. There are a lot of similar personality traits in INFP's as there are in Pisces, like being a dreamer and living in a fantasy world, and looking at the world through rose colored glasses. I'm "The Idealist".
4. What is your favourite thing about your best friend?
Does that mean I have to pick a best friend? Last I checked Hunter and I were agreeing to be besties, so my favorite thing about him would be everything.
5. What makes you happiest?
Traveling. The boyfriend. When Mamma makes yummy food. Family. Laughing with people I love. Soft pink blankies and cuddling with Lana the Llama and Miss Charlotte Belle.
 XOXO and hopefully I'll have time to update in the coming weeks. Hunter and I are headed out to Boulder in one week!